Sunday, November 13, 2011

Final Project Progress Report

Nikita Ladner, Devon Weaver, and I have decided that we will put together a video consisting of, in our opinion, the top five elements that will enlighten and inform future students on how to be successful in EDM 310. The roles of Nikita and Devon will be demonstrate how to perform all assigned tasks efficiently, correctly, and promptly. While I will demonstrate procrastination at its best and where it will land you if you choose to take that path.  The hope and aim of our video is to mitigate the amount of students that fall victim to falling behind in this class.


  1. I love the idea of a video!! I definitely could have used that in the beginning of this course:) Good Luck=)

  2. Like Bethany before I could have used that video at the beginning of my school career all the way back to kindergarten. I really like your idea. Good luck.

  3. I too love your idea of a video!! This video really would've been great at the beginning of this semester. Good Luck!!! : )
