Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog Post # 8

This is How We Dream Part 1
Before I began watching this video I was trying to take a guess as to what it would be about. I figured it would be about how we actually dream during sleep but wasn't sure what the intended lesson would be for us to come away with. Soon after hitting the play button I realized that it wasn't what's going inside our heads when we sleep but where our future of literature is going and the possibilities of integrating video, audio, and text together to project a message or lesson to another individual. Richard Miller also stated that because of the extensive wealth of information that the internet provides for us that it is possible to complete a document without going into a research center to complete an assignment.

This is How We Dream Part 2
The second segment of Richard Miller's presentation seemed to revolve around the vessels in which information is made possible for us to view. Miller mentions itunes U as a way for individuals to view documents from all over the world and to share stories visually.  Miller states "The limits and the restrictions are largely ones we place on ourselves." I thought that was the best quote of the entire video because it simply states that the opportunities are there for the taking, we just have to reach out and take hold of them. Miller also explained that the web is a great way of composing in a way that has never been done before and is an amazing way to hurl ourselves into an expansion of our culture that we have never experienced before.

Miller's message is an empowering one for everyone. He's not just giving us the hope and promise of what is to come but to go out and start now before we miss out on anymore. It was interesting to hear this coming from someone that is the head of an english department. Anytime I have ever had an english class we always had our noses buried in a book or reading magazine articles. Miller is actually encouraging composing with videos off the internet and expanding our language through video and audio. It's an amazing concept and a innovative way of passing information along.

Carly's Post
I thought the way she did her project was on the right track to what Richard Miller was trying to portray. In my mind I thought there would be more videos playing at all times while she read what she wanted to say like he did. However, I realize that would have been just plane old mimicking what he did.

The way she attached links to the key words or phrases that put emphasis into the video that she was describing. The actual videos she used were good too. They made me think. Some seemed to make me feel guilty because I don't quite reach the expectations of the message that was being sent in my own life at times. This technique is effective because you see a word or words that are highlighted and recognize it because you've seen it before many times. It seems to make people take for granted what they are reading and even worse for those who are not as strong of readers to completely zone out and miss the message. The videos keep the message fresh for the reader and allows them to think more about what is being said instead of getting to the end of the reading.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies
These two videos compliment each other in the messages that they portray. One is showing you the effects of getting behind and the other shows the stresses of the class even when you are getting caught up. I myself got behind and I would be willing to bet that I looked exactly like that. There's a denial phase because of your own self pity because of the work load, but you know this up front from the first day of class. Even when you are ahead the class can be overwhelming. If this class was easy then everyone would do it. Stay positive and keep on task because you will hate yourself a lot less in the long run. The Chipper series shows us what can happen when you don't do your work. Just do it, if you need help there is the lab and even a help hot line. We are not just thrown to the wolves we just are not being spoon fed so ask for help when needed. EDM 310 for Dummies was a comical way showing us what everyone goes through. Familiarize yourself with the listed programs in the movie until you are comfortable with them. Make it apart of your daily routine so that you stay on top.

Videos that I would like to make would be portraying someone that got behind in EDM 310. It is a regret that I have had to come to terms with myself and it is not a easy bite to choke down. I would not wish the work load to try and make up on anyone because it will effect other parts of your life whether it be school, work, or your own personal sanity. Nobody wants to be around a blood shot eyed grinch because they didn't do their school work. My gift to future students would be to heed the warnings that are given and do a documentary in the life of a procrastinator. Not being familiar with certain programs, forgetting how to take a screen shot, inserting links, or figuring out twitter can be remedied by asking for help. Telling yourself "Oh it's only a blog post and a C4C assignment left to do. I'll do it this weekend" will get you behind before you know it. Set aside the time to do it and stick to it and you will have a minimal level of stress throughout the semester.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I agree with what everyone in the video because each generation changes. Look at the past, this really shouldn't be a hard concept for people to grasp. Do we do things the same way back in the 50's than we do now? Off course not because the world would have blown right past us. If we want to hand cuff our school systems from the technology that we thrive on then lets just subside to a third world way of life and rub sticks together in a grass hut. How was education ranked on the lowest level by the department of commerce? Seriously, coal mining was higher (not to slap that profession in the face by any means). Do priorities even matter anymore? Traditionalists need to be removed from educational institutions if they are too blind to see that change is good. Really what that says to me is that they are scared of what they don't understand and they are too afraid  to step out of their comfort zone to better the future. The individuals in this movie made great points and I hope that it made an impact on everyone who viewed it to make a difference for the better.

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