Sunday, November 13, 2011

Final Project Progress Report

Nikita Ladner, Devon Weaver, and I have decided that we will put together a video consisting of, in our opinion, the top five elements that will enlighten and inform future students on how to be successful in EDM 310. The roles of Nikita and Devon will be demonstrate how to perform all assigned tasks efficiently, correctly, and promptly. While I will demonstrate procrastination at its best and where it will land you if you choose to take that path.  The hope and aim of our video is to mitigate the amount of students that fall victim to falling behind in this class.

Blog Post # 12

Blue people in a connected network

If I were to assign something to the class I would give the students a semester long pen pal assignment using either Facebook, Twitter, or Skype. I would coordinate with multiple universities that would be willing to participate and offer these options for them to select from. They could find their own as well as long as they could complete the assignment. It would be ideal for it to be someone from a different state so that the integrity of the assignment would remain intact and the student would genuinely be establishing a relationship with someone else. Whether it be another student or teacher, they would choose this person themselves and would be required to have an additional blog post that they would have the freedom to write what they like about their pen pal. Basicly a weekly status report on what they are like in or out of the class. What their major is, how their university differs in student culture, school traditions, class sizes, etc. The idea is to expand to a different part of the country or world so they could grasp the idea of what life is like outside of Mobile, AL. I know we already do this in our C4C and C4K assignments but it would be under their own volition in hopes that they would put more stock and effort into the assignment. A second reason is so they could hopefully expand their social network that they could utilize for the rest of their professional life. Their would be a summary project in conclusion on the progress the student made as far as how they utilized their social network with their pen pal, what they learned from their pen pal and things they did to improve the quality of this project, and what they would do differently or keep the same throughout the semester.  

World's top 50 social network icons

Project # 14 Skype Interview

Blog Post # 11

Kids using a computer

Little Kids....Big Potential
Ms. Cassidy's class blew my mind on all the different ways they use technology in the kids day to day learning. A Nintendo DS? I didn't know they had math and other learning programs available on them. The only time I saw anything close like that in grade school was when a teacher was taking a classmates gameboy away until the end of the day. I guess video games won't just rot your brain out after all. I myself just started using Skype this semester and I'm disappointed that I just now have because it's a great way to communicate with family and friends across the country. These kids are impressive that they realize what they are talking about and you can tell that they do because there is no hitch in their voice from reading a script while they are explaining what they are doing in class. I think Skype is by far in my opinion the most valuable technique and tool because you can expand the classroom to any place on the planet. I would utilize this as much as possible because you can show real life examples and allow your class to ask questions to people who are professionals in the topic you are currently on. You can also use it at any grade level as we all have been shown through this video and our own experiences. Quite an impressive feat when you think about the age difference. 

The only thing that I could see as a distraction is students not using the learning tools the way they were intended and that falls on the shoulders of the teacher monitoring the activity properly. Kids are willing to learn if you show them the proper ways to conduct and exercise and explain the reason. If you just give them a video game divice and say "Have fun" then an opportunity is squandered. In the movie "Spiderman" Peter Parker's uncle Ben said "With great power comes great responsibility". Utilize the gift of technology in a productive manner and watch the good things that can come from it. 

Blog Post # 10

education and puzzle pieces illuminated

Do You Teach Or Do You Educate
I guess you don't really consider that there is a difference between teaching and educating. I got into teaching because I feel that it is a profession that I will always enjoy doing and there is always a chance to grow and learn yourself. I enjoy being around people and I believe that being around youth keeps you young as well. Generations are always evolving and can teach you new things along the way. You also have the privilege of showing them something new that they didn't know before either. The trick is and our job is to make sure that they retain that knowledge not just temporarily memorize it to get a grade.

I think my best way I can think of educating someone is through reinforcement. Comparing this to when I played basketball in high school is a great example as far as applying my method. We didn't just go out and play the games because we would have got killed. We had to practice our plays over and over again. We didn't just learn them one day and then hope we remembered it on game day. We went through skill building workouts day after day until we got it right... and then we did it some more. I feel you have to revisit what you went over by taking out the time of the class necessary. I know you can't sacrifice the other materials that need to be learned but I feel you have to reinforce information so it isn't forgotten. I also think that you have to recognize the students who regularly participate and the ones that don't. Don't let the kid who raises there hand every time get the others through the period. Ask every student and figure out where they are weakest and ask them every class period particular questions. Eventually they are going to be able to tell you the answer be for you ask the question. They'll never be able to forget it. I couldn't spell spaghetti in 7th grade. My teacher use to randomly ask me how to spell it during class and I would have to give my answer. I eventually could spell it and I developed my own way to remember how to spell it. I know it's only one word but I believe this method is a successful one and can be applied in any learning environment.

Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home!
I believe the argument that Tom Johnson was trying to make was that technology is a good thing and that it is a helpful tool that needs to be shown by the parents. He was talking about computers to be specific and the advantages of kids being introduced to advanced learning methods. I like the sarcasm used by using the most basic school utensil as a diabolical culprit of low test scores. When they were talking about the physical harm of pencils it seemed to me that it was an over the top example of how education could be painful outside of the realm of head aches. The title itself grabs your attention because you're not really sure where the content of what you are about to read may take you. I feel that through sarcasm he is mocking those who are afraid to take the time to help children learn outside of the school. As if they are confined to the classroom to expand their minds because their education needs to be regulated by an institution. 

Blog Post # 9

Mr. McClung school teacher

Mr. McClung
I chose to read and comment on Mr. McClung's first two years because I wanted to stay in order just to see where he went from being a rookie to someone who's seen the ropes. My impression that I get from him is that he is a driven person that truly cares about improving young people's learning experience.

At the end of his first year he has up at the beginning of his summary "Stay Positive". So simple but why can't we remember to practice that? He then talks about how he went from standing up in front of a group and his approach being about him in charge to going with the flow more or less. Be flexible. If you have a plan in your head and it comes out different don't try to steer it back to what you originally wanted. It's coming out that way for a reason so improvise and go with it. Nobody is perfect and if a bar is set too high for either you or your class then the end product of the class will ultimately fail. Communicate with your peers and your students. Feedback from that communication will make your students better and yourself. Better those around you and don't be afraid of new ways to convey what you are teaching. Utilize technology and embrace methods outside of the box. If we stop learning then you hinder your ability to provide and optimal learning environment for your class. Don't be that teacher!

The summary from the close of his second year in Arkansas really displays his growth as an educator. His progress points are more matured and in depth compared to his first year. They don't seem as obvious, meaning there was some serious digging that he had to do internally to seek what he did to make himself better in his profession. He had to adapt his approach because he taught an older group of kids his second year. The mentality of which he had to use was more mature and is methods needed to match the student. There was a higher demand to think outside the box to keep his lessons from becoming stagnent. He also realized that he didn't want his kids to be giving an exact answer that was expected. Instead he wanted to promote individuality and free thinking. Letting the students give an answer in their own opinion, not making things up, to express what they came away from a topic from their point of view. He also allowed himself to be taken under the wing of a more experienced co worker. Setting pride aside and finding a comfort from what McClung referred to as "school mom" to help bounce issues that he was having off of to help him get back on track. The best advice that I came away with from either of these readings can apply to any profession out there is to CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR! I personally hated every teacher I ever had that seemed to get off on proving me wrong in a class because they had an arrogant nature. Nobody is going to want to listen to someone like that. Students are like a shopping cart when you first walk into the store because it's empty. As you check off the items on the list going up and down the isle the cart begins to fill up. By the time you get to the check out line there is a full cart and it is ready to be unloaded for those goods to be put to their particular use. Don't betray the trust that your students have in you because each one of those individuals have a promising ability to be unveiled someday.

Blog Post # 8

This is How We Dream Part 1
Before I began watching this video I was trying to take a guess as to what it would be about. I figured it would be about how we actually dream during sleep but wasn't sure what the intended lesson would be for us to come away with. Soon after hitting the play button I realized that it wasn't what's going inside our heads when we sleep but where our future of literature is going and the possibilities of integrating video, audio, and text together to project a message or lesson to another individual. Richard Miller also stated that because of the extensive wealth of information that the internet provides for us that it is possible to complete a document without going into a research center to complete an assignment.

This is How We Dream Part 2
The second segment of Richard Miller's presentation seemed to revolve around the vessels in which information is made possible for us to view. Miller mentions itunes U as a way for individuals to view documents from all over the world and to share stories visually.  Miller states "The limits and the restrictions are largely ones we place on ourselves." I thought that was the best quote of the entire video because it simply states that the opportunities are there for the taking, we just have to reach out and take hold of them. Miller also explained that the web is a great way of composing in a way that has never been done before and is an amazing way to hurl ourselves into an expansion of our culture that we have never experienced before.

Miller's message is an empowering one for everyone. He's not just giving us the hope and promise of what is to come but to go out and start now before we miss out on anymore. It was interesting to hear this coming from someone that is the head of an english department. Anytime I have ever had an english class we always had our noses buried in a book or reading magazine articles. Miller is actually encouraging composing with videos off the internet and expanding our language through video and audio. It's an amazing concept and a innovative way of passing information along.

Carly's Post
I thought the way she did her project was on the right track to what Richard Miller was trying to portray. In my mind I thought there would be more videos playing at all times while she read what she wanted to say like he did. However, I realize that would have been just plane old mimicking what he did.

The way she attached links to the key words or phrases that put emphasis into the video that she was describing. The actual videos she used were good too. They made me think. Some seemed to make me feel guilty because I don't quite reach the expectations of the message that was being sent in my own life at times. This technique is effective because you see a word or words that are highlighted and recognize it because you've seen it before many times. It seems to make people take for granted what they are reading and even worse for those who are not as strong of readers to completely zone out and miss the message. The videos keep the message fresh for the reader and allows them to think more about what is being said instead of getting to the end of the reading.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies
These two videos compliment each other in the messages that they portray. One is showing you the effects of getting behind and the other shows the stresses of the class even when you are getting caught up. I myself got behind and I would be willing to bet that I looked exactly like that. There's a denial phase because of your own self pity because of the work load, but you know this up front from the first day of class. Even when you are ahead the class can be overwhelming. If this class was easy then everyone would do it. Stay positive and keep on task because you will hate yourself a lot less in the long run. The Chipper series shows us what can happen when you don't do your work. Just do it, if you need help there is the lab and even a help hot line. We are not just thrown to the wolves we just are not being spoon fed so ask for help when needed. EDM 310 for Dummies was a comical way showing us what everyone goes through. Familiarize yourself with the listed programs in the movie until you are comfortable with them. Make it apart of your daily routine so that you stay on top.

Videos that I would like to make would be portraying someone that got behind in EDM 310. It is a regret that I have had to come to terms with myself and it is not a easy bite to choke down. I would not wish the work load to try and make up on anyone because it will effect other parts of your life whether it be school, work, or your own personal sanity. Nobody wants to be around a blood shot eyed grinch because they didn't do their school work. My gift to future students would be to heed the warnings that are given and do a documentary in the life of a procrastinator. Not being familiar with certain programs, forgetting how to take a screen shot, inserting links, or figuring out twitter can be remedied by asking for help. Telling yourself "Oh it's only a blog post and a C4C assignment left to do. I'll do it this weekend" will get you behind before you know it. Set aside the time to do it and stick to it and you will have a minimal level of stress throughout the semester.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I agree with what everyone in the video because each generation changes. Look at the past, this really shouldn't be a hard concept for people to grasp. Do we do things the same way back in the 50's than we do now? Off course not because the world would have blown right past us. If we want to hand cuff our school systems from the technology that we thrive on then lets just subside to a third world way of life and rub sticks together in a grass hut. How was education ranked on the lowest level by the department of commerce? Seriously, coal mining was higher (not to slap that profession in the face by any means). Do priorities even matter anymore? Traditionalists need to be removed from educational institutions if they are too blind to see that change is good. Really what that says to me is that they are scared of what they don't understand and they are too afraid  to step out of their comfort zone to better the future. The individuals in this movie made great points and I hope that it made an impact on everyone who viewed it to make a difference for the better.