Sunday, October 9, 2011

C4T Summary #2

Earth surrounded by a hands holding hands

Teaching Favorites
The first post was about a forum that the group was creating to be a worldwide resource channel among teachers. They were currently asking for their "favorites" as teachers to help promote other classroom learning environments. Anything from teaching tools, exercises, games, books, etc. They were going to gather all the information submitted and publish it for the teachers who frequented the site to pick and choose from any of he items that caught their eye. I thought this was pretty neat and effective as well because it takes the teachers outside of their own box. An American teacher can take an idea from an Australian classroom and apply it affectively and also introduces other cultures to the students other than their own. It allows a new way to learn and a new way to teach if you take the time to research it.

How Can 10,000 Youngsters Solve The Problems of The World?
This was an interesting concept that was thought up and I am curious as to how the results come out when they finish gathering the data. The concept was to see if the children of the world would be able to come up with solutions to serious problems in the world today. The basis of this is that adults think one way and children think another. I'm wondering if it's because children have a simpilar way of processing a solution and do not over think certain variables that may or may not effect a certain problem? There is an ITU event that is apart of the United Nations that will meet from the 24-27 of this month. Research collected from young people from ages 8-18 concerning world problems will be presented as a third party voice to bring a different entity to the room and clear some of the stale air with the breath of a fresh one. Should be interesting as to how their research will be perceived on a world stage.

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